Thursday, April 28, 2011

Last Full Day In the U.S.A.

So it's my first post on my new blog :) and as if I don't have a million other things that I should be doing today, I'm sitting in front of my mom's laptop typing away. I'm so nervous about leaving....I don't even know where to begin on my packing. I just keep putting it off and off and off in the hopes that at some point (very soon) I will get the motivation to start! There are clothes strung out alllll over my little brother, Sawyer's, floor and about 6 trash bags of clothes in my mom's Yukon that all need to be gone through and washed...not to mention my passport is still down the road in my grandpa's rent-house. I swear, I'm usually better prepared for trips than this. It's not like I haven't done this EVERY summer since 2008. I guess I'm just more in denial this time about leaving my family for the rest of the year. My mom will give birth in September to a new baby sister that will be nearly 4 months old by the time I get other little sister, Jonah, will be nearly a year when I return....and Sawyer will have to celebrate his 7th birthday without me (his Tee-Ty). It is hard to think about and it's all I've been thinking about this week. Don't get me wrong though....I'm OVERJOYED to finally be doing what I've had planned for over a year now. Ever since my first trip to Brazil, I've wanted to find a way to come and live there for at least 6 months to learn the language and become immersed in a culture outside of the U.S. I always do what I say I'm going to do and this trip is just yet another testimony to that. :)